Should I drink Ayahuasca?


That’s a big question with no definitive answer.

 It’s certainly a question that no-one other than you can answer.

There are, however, some way finders that can help support and inform your decision making.

The Calling

This may be a bit difficult for those with a purely materialst mindset to grasp, but the plants will call to you when the time is right. This may come in the form of dreams, symbols or even repetition of the word Ayahuasca being spoken by others or read and seen in your daily life.

When our journey begins with Ayahuasca so too can our journey with the unseen and esoteric, etheric realms. This is where the plants are powerful and although their movement in the physical realm is restricted by their roots, their movement through the non-physical is anything but restricted.

Trust these signs and whispers, they are the calling and the first step.

Your health

Being physically ready to drink ayahuasca is an important consideration.

Are you on any medications that would be in contradiction?

Do you have any health issues that need addressing before you drink?

Are you involved with any substance addiction that is harming your body?

If your health is not stable then taking a journey may not be the right course of action for the present moment. Perhaps there is some work to be done on a personal level before you drink? This is not always the case, and indeed many people report that ayahuasca helped to alleviate their health issues or addictions. 

What’s vital in cases of compromised health is that you speak to a knowledgable professional with honesty and transparency beforehand, so they can advise you and assist with any preparation work before drinking ayahuasca. Having acute, chronic or complex trauma, addiction or chronic illness doesn’t need to exclude you from drinking Ayahuasca. It simply means a higher level of support, aftercare and expertise is needed.

Your why

Exploring and consolidating on the intention for drinking is important for both mental and spiritual well being. To know why and be at home with that why can be an anchor before during and after journey(s) with Ayahuasca. There is also within reason no right or wrong behind our intention as long as our intention is not to bring harm to ourselves or anyone else. In many indigenous cultures the reasons for drinking are wide and varied. What often comes from drinking is a new found sense of connection with ourselves, existence and our place in it all.

Healing trauma, pain, mental unrest or other ailments are all valid reasons, as are curiosity and the need to explore the nature of existence and spirituality. Fortunately, no matter what reasons are conjured up, the plants often know better than we do, hence we get what we need over what we want. After over a decade working with these plants we maintain that they always have our best interests at heart.

In many cultures the translation of the word plant means ‘Those who take care of us.’ (Robin Kimmerer)

Your How

As the decision to drink becomes a solid yes it’s time to enter into the how of meeting with Ayahuasca. For some this will be a reputable retreat centre for others an underground circle in a country where Ayahausca is illegal. Again there is no right or wrong, however, the possibility for harm that comes with a poorly made choice is great. The world of Ayahuasca within a global context is a very recent thing. Previously it has been kept under the watchful eye of indigenous Amazonian people.

The potential for abuse including sexual abuse and misuse within the wrong hands or context is high, not just amongst westerners that have chosen to serve the sacrament, but also indigenous peoples. Therefore your decision of how becomes where and is perhaps the step that requires the most care and consideration.

Ask lots of questions and expect to be able to have conversations with space holders and facilitators. Look for recommendations and where possible speak to people other than just those you know. Ask about safety protocols, screening processes and aftercare. Be certain that the space in which you’re drinking is safe and comfortable enough for your personal needs. For many westerners having psychological support and facilitators that are trauma informed is essential.

There are some things we certainly recommend you steer clear of:


There are plenty of documentaries about Ayahuasca, many of which are sensationalist for the purposes of selling and clicks. Interviews with indigenous medicine carriers are usually a better choice for understanding the nature of Ayahuasca. There are certainly some documentaries that focus on indigenous wisdom and practices over botched forays into the realm of psychedelics.

The mainstream media

The media normally report on Ayahuasca in the context of something going wrong such as a death, which is rare and often occurs because of another factor that is linked (sometimes very tenuously) to Ayahuasca, or, when a celebrity wants to talk about their Ayahausca experience. Reading about other people’s Ayahausca experiences can be helpful to a point, but it can also cloud your expectations and therefore personal relationship with the plants.

Social Media

As a source of information social platforms are a minefield. Quite often people with little to no experience with Ayahausca can be found giving opinions and advice. It’s therefore wise to steer clear or at the very least be solid with your informational filters and be ready to discard information that is not well sourced and supported.

Do please speak to people with years of experience and ask plenty of questions whilst being wary of those that appear to have ‘All’ the answers and know everything for certain.

There are a number of excellent information resources including:

Plant medicine people

Afterlife coach

Atira Tan

Reset Me

They can all help, yet the only truth we’ll ever find will come from experience.


Who or what is Ayahuasca?


Four Pillars