Prepping your body, mind and soul with an Ayahuasca Diet.
The Ayahuasca diet is an important part of preparing for an Ayahuasca ceremony. It helps to strengthen the connection pre ceremony and prepares the body.
Ayahuasca Dieta
There is some confusion around what does and doesn’t constitute the Ayahuasca diet — largely because there are many different tribes in the Amazon spanning many different countries, all of whom work with Ayahuasca as a sacrament in differing ways. There is also debate around the diet and how it has adapted over time through colonialism and the recent shift towards Ayahuasca tourism.
At Sowa Soma we believe everyone’s diet and preparation will be different according to their circumstances. There is no right or wrong way. Some people may be dealing with varying kinds of addictions or have trauma-based emotional issues around food. It’s therefore wise to take a tailored approach that considers the individual's circumstances.
Beginning your journey
The main purpose of the diet in our eyes is to begin the journey of respect and relationship with the plants. A journey within which we can gauge our own levels of discipline and integrity. There is also an element of reciprocity within the diet as we sacrifice comforts and pleasures from our own life as a gift for what the plants are about to teach us.
The more experienced may wish to be stricter whilst first timers may need to keep things simple.
During our inclusive screening process we speak about preparation and diet with each individual to help them tailor their own needs. Whilst the preparation diet is an important part of the process, it’s also vital that we arrive at the ceremony strong enough to work with the plants.
Here are some more general guidelines of what we recommend:
Recreational drugs and alcohol
Other plant medicines including Cannabis and Mushrooms
Pharmaceutical drugs unless pre agreed
Processed table salt - small amounts of sea salt is fine
Garlic, leeks, onions
Chilli, spice and seasonings
Pork (including gelatin)
Chewing Gum - unless natural and aspartame free
Sugar - small amounts of honey and agave syrup are fine
Scents and perfumes
Non-natural toothpaste (preferably fluoride free)
Fresh fruit and vegetables (organic where possible)
Free-range eggs
Well-sourced fish, chicken, wild meat (pasture-raised, organic)
Daily prayer and meditation, movement practice, journalling, singing, dancing, music
Scent-free soap and natural deodorant
Please note, it is always vital to speak to the organisers of the ceremony or retreat you are attending regarding diet and what’s expected of you as this will differ between space holders.