Four Pillars

central pillar of black panther, star of david flanked by man and woman silhouette, and moon at sunset, mirrored totem of fish, blue jaguar, snakes, and purple face profile


Ritual gives our lives structure and guides intention. It sets the tone, creates the boundaries and overlays the container for what we do. With ritual we create safety and clarify intention. By honoring the ritual and following its structure we learn how this word can give our lives stability, certainty and a reminder of what’s important. We learn where we can compromise and where we cannot. What is needed and what we can do without. We hone our relationship with the ritual and come to understand that through this art form, we are developing respect for ourselves, others and our environment.


Through respect we come to understand ourselves and those around us on a deeper level. We hear our inner, higher and subconscious voices when they speak. We hear the whisper so we no longer need heed the scream. Through self respect comes respect for all, we honour our own boundaries so we can honour the boundaries of all around us. We hear the whispers everywhere, not just in other humans. In the plants and animals, in the land, the waters and the wind. As we learn to respect ourselves through listening, we begin to hear more around us.  With our own needs met and taken care of we can hear and meet the needs of those around us.


When we are truly listening, we are in relationship and have the opportunity to be in right relationship.

Our lives revolve around relationship. We are always 50% of any interaction we are having. How we relate to the world is our responsibility alone. In the space of give and receive we must bring awareness to create balance. We can always give more and leave ourselves depleted. We can always take more and become greedy or lazy. As we watch the multi-cosm of relational strings that emanate from us we see that this balancing act is the true game we are here to play. To close the loop and allow the energy to flow in love and reciprocity

Nude woman crouching down on a tree trunk with light swirling around her. Ayahuasca Visionary Art by Autumn Skye Morrison called Regeneration


With our foundations of respect, our relationships become grounded in reciprocity. We do not take without asking. We do not give without asking. We create through mutual consent, co-operation and in congruence with one another. All are valued for their distinctive gifts and medicine. All are loved for who they are not just what they do. We honour the sacred in each being. We are in right relation, aware and considered.


Should I drink Ayahuasca?


On Home Soil