journey with your mind through our Blog

Neil Kirwan Neil Kirwan

Why we screen

Screening participants before and ayahuasca ceremony is an essential part of our practice.

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Neil Kirwan Neil Kirwan

Who or what is Ayahuasca?

The what is easy, who is Ayahausca is a much harder question to answer. Many refer to her as feminine or mother like whilst others disagree

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Neil Kirwan Neil Kirwan

Ayahuasca and the Amazon

With my initial teaching in mind, it is clear to me that the western world is not happening to Ayahuasca. Ayahuasca is happening to the western world. It is the spirit here that has the guiding hand.

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Neil Kirwan Neil Kirwan

Touching the Void

After many journeys to the darkness, the abyss, the void I decided to write an article about my experience, What started out as an article turned into a poem, twisting and turning, moving and flowing.

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